Monday, January 25, 2016

in the beginning...

Hello, world.

This blog is starting for a lot of reasons, and they're all tangled up in one another.

God gave me the gift of writing, or at least, I'd like to think that He gave me that gift, so this is a response to that, a returning of that gift to Him.

This is meant to be a blog about life and love and Jesus and since talking about all those things get really complicated and messy and tangential, this will also most likely be a blog about Star Wars and cheesecake and red roses and how much I hate being cold.

This is meant to be a blog about feminism and what I think about friendship and marriage and family and since all those things get really complicated and messy and tangential, this will also most likely be a blog about Tolkien and fairy lights and music and literature.

I am a mess, sometimes. Most times, in fact. But the thing is, I'm His mess, and so that's okay.

This is maybe more of a journal than anything else, but I'm going to put it here so that maybe someone else can find themselves in my words.

So hi. I'm Kate. I'm seventeen. I'm Catholic. I'm a feminist. I'm a missionary because of Matthew 28:19 and also, I'll be serving with NET Ministries this coming year. I like singing and books and sunsets and geeking out over Bible stories. Comment, stalk me silently, whatever. I don't care. But if you wouldn't mind praying for me, that'd be great.

Is that a good introduction?


peace out and God bless
~Kate Therese

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