Tuesday, February 9, 2016

for those days


So, this is one of those days when the cat went missing and your keys went missing and that five bucks you thought you left in your back pocket isn't there, and you dropped your toast honey side down on the floor you didn't sweep, and now you're a mess and you got something sticky all down the front of your shirt and you're overall just a mess.

It's one of those days when you're crying in the shower and you're crying at your desk and trying not to let it show. It's one of those days when if you look out the window for too long, the trees will start to remind you of whatever it is that is breaking your heart and you start crying again.

Or maybe it's not one of those days. Maybe it's one of those weeks, one of those months, one of those winters, one of those years, of those couple years. Maybe you feel broken and unloved and lost and you don't know what to do or where to turn.

Dear heart, go to Jesus.

Once upon a time, not that long ago, I was having one of those years and my world was falling apart around me and I'd tried pride and I'd tried stubbornness and I'd tried getting angry and I was so, so afraid to try Jesus, because what if He didn't care?

Dear heart, He does.

He thinks you're beautiful. He rejoices over you. He is wildly, madly, in love with you. 

Ah, you are beautiful, my beloved! Ah, you are beautiful!(Songs 1:15)

He will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in His love. He will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals. (Zephaniah 3:17)

It is finished. (John 19:30)

I know that it hurts. I know it very well. It won't necessarily stop hurting when you turn to Him, because that's not the way it works.

Go to Confession. Go for a long walk in a quiet place. Go for a drive and stop in the middle of nowhere. Go to Adoration. Go to Confession.

Tell Him everything, dear heart. Tell Him where it hurts; tell Him how you feel lonely or insignificant or broken or lost or not good enough or all of them at once.

Maybe you'll never get that scholarship or that grade or that time or that raise or that boyfriend or that baby or whatever else it is you're wanting. Maybe you'll never, ever, get it. Maybe that will always hurt.

But that's okay.

That's not what you're really longing for, is it?

You want to be happy, with everything you are. You want joy.

Dear heart, He'll give you that.

He'll give you Himself; because as much as you're aching for whatever it is you're aching for, He's aching for you just as much.

The thing is, He doesn't really care what you've done. He will always, always love you, when you're at your best.

But He loves you just as much when you're at your worst, too. He loves Peter, even when Peter denied Him. He loves Thomas, even when Thomas doubted Him. He loves you, even when you deny Him or doubt Him or reject Him. He will leave the ninety-nine to find you, because He thought you were worth making, and He doesn't want you to die not realizing that He died for you. 

He might not give you what it is you're wanting right now. or He might. I have no idea. But He will give you peace. He will give you strength. He will give you faith.


He will give you guidance. He will give you patience. He will give you hope.


He will give you light. He will give you truth. He will give you love.


Deep down, you are searching for light, for peace, for rest, for Him.
He will give you that. Always.
Run to Jesus, dear heart. He is waiting for you with open arms.

While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him and was deeply moved. he ran out to meet him, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him. (Luke 15:20)

Maybe this isn't one of those days, but if it isn't, then that day will come, and please remember: you are loved.

I'm praying for you.

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